Thursday, August 15, 2019

Why Your Law Firm Requires A Telephone Answering Service in Canada

Your glowing record of case wins, fast turnarounds, big name clients, word of mouth and online reviews will all contribute to the overall success of your firm, but often the most important factor for people choosing an attorney is the way they’re treated when they first get in touch and each touch point throughout their interactions with all of your team. 

Customer experience makes a massive difference in how your firm is perceived and, in turn, how successful it could be. One of the best ways to show commitment to customer care is with the very first, and often most regular, point of contact for your customers – a professional, polite and competent person responding the phone. 
With so many firms finding it hard to perfect this part of the client journey, we have compiled a list of the top reasons a law firm require a professional telephone answering service in Canada. 

1) Attorneys are exceptionally busy:

Calls from your clients, keen parties, other firms and anybody else who might require your time can be a major disruption. Without hiring additional team members or developing an in-house call centre, you could be missing new cases and letting your already crowded schedule to be interrupted & delayed every time the phone rings. 
With a professional telephone answering service in Canada, you’re able to focus on other tasks, and your callers are given a great experience – a far better result than a continually ringing phone, and interrupted legal staff. 

2) Consistency in client care is vital:

Every time your telephone rings – it is vital that it’s answered professionally and by an individual who has been trained to deliver the best possible client care. It can also become a voice your callers can come to identify. 

With the help of a professional telephone answering service in Canada, your clients will always be able to get in touch with your firm and speak with a devoted receptionist who sounds like they are based in your office, and wholly understands how your firm operates. Every scenario will be covered in programming and scripting allowing for concise, consistent calls. 

Here at Legal Call 24, we have been offering our telephone answering service in Canada to law firms since 1948. Our customers regularly tell us that we’ve contributed to their bottom line and consider our Agents part of their team. If you want us to be a part of your law firm and help you with dealing your clients, feel free to call us now.

Legal Call 24- How We Can Help Your Firm