Saturday, April 6, 2019

How An Answering Service Can Help In Growing Your Law Firm

Working in law is a world of its own. When lawyers work hard to represent their clients to the best of their ability, building a relationship with new and prospective clients is imperative to a firm’s success.

When there are hours being spent in meetings, depositions, court, and working on business development and administrative tasks, there are times where a ringing phone can be a distraction to other things that need to get checked off the to-do list.

However, every firmneeds to bring in new clients and ensure that current clients feel as though you’re available to them. One way to ensure a superior client experience is to hire a telephone answering service in Canada.

We believe that there are numerous benefits to choosing Legal Call 24 for your front office solution. Legal Call 24 can positively impact your productivity and customer service by:

1) Having 24/7 Availability:

When an accident or arrest occurs an individual needs legal advice immediately. There is an urgency to these calls, and our Agents are available 24/7/365 to start client intake, answer questions regarding retainers, and can book emergency appointments for the next morning. When necessary, we will also warm transfer these calls to your on-call counsel for immediate assistance. This allows for your firm to never miss another intake due to the time of day, or night.

2) Staff On-Demand:

Whether you’re looking for are looking for full time coverage, overflow coverage for your internal office staff, or just an emergency after-hours service, Legal Call 24 is available to customize plans for you, and your needs. From sales to programming, we work to fully understand your needs and tailor our plans to your needs. We’re always here for you to forward your calls to us.

3) Focus on Billable Hours 

After any interruption, people take on average 23 minutes to completely refocus on the task that they were working on. That means in times of heavy caseloads, discovery, and business development planning, a ringing phone can cause 30 minutes of downtime. This easily adds up to lost productivity. When you choose Legal Call 24, you’re able to make better use of your time, while client intake and questions are answered by our Agents.

Competition is huge when it comes to finding new business. By adding an answering service to your firm, you’re able to ensure clients are satisfied with your level of customer service as well as how you’re managing their case.

Call LegalCall 24 if you are looking for a trusted telephone answering service in Canada for your law farm. Whether you need us for after hours, vacation coverage or as back up for your busy times, we got your needs covered.

Legal Call 24- How We Can Help Your Firm